CryoChoice Essentials Package
Test Code: 188078, 188086, 016881, 006510, 140659, 083935, 163246, 012005
Specimen Types: Blood,Urine
CryoChoice Essentials Package (Labcorp)
This package was designed to meet the requirements for the clients of CryoChoice.
The CryoChoice package includes the following tests:
- Chlamydia, Urine
- Gonorrhea, Urine
- HIV 4th Generation, Blood
- Hepatitis C Antibody, Blood
- Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Blood
- Hepatitis B Core Antibody IgM, Blood
- HTLV 1 & 2 Antibody, Blood
- Syphilis RPR with Reflex, Blood
Turnaround for these tests is typically 3-5 business days. Additional time may be necessary if confirmatory testing is required.
See our STI testing category for more options.
Note: Result turn around times are an estimate and are not guaranteed. Our reference lab may need additional time due to weather, holidays, confirmation/repeat testing, or equipment maintenance.
It is recommended that someone taking Biotin (also known as vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H, or coenzyme R) stop consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection of a sample.
For the highest level of accuracy on the urine test:
- Refrain from urinating for at least one hour prior to collection.
- Avoid cleansing the genital area at least one hour prior to collection.
- The sample should be a "first catch" of urine, meaning customers should begin urinating directly into the collection container.
- Fill the specimen cup with approximately 20-30 ml. Overfilling the container will dilute the specimen and may reduce the accuracy of the test.
This package includes:
Chlamydia Urine, pain free
Gonorrhea Urine, pain free
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Acute exposure
Hepatitis C Antibody Remote exposure
Syphilis RPR with Reflex Rapid Plasma Reagin with Reflex, Nontreponemal Syphilis Test
HTLV 1&2 Antibodies Human T Lymphotropic Virus
HIV 1 & 2 4th Gen Antigen Antibody, Blood 4th Generation Blood Test, Antibody and P24 Antigen, Routine Screening
Hepatitis B Core Antibody, IgM Anti-HBc, IgM