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Heavy Metals Profile II Urine Test

Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead & Mercury

Test Code: 250281
Specimen Type: Urine


Heavy Metals Profile II Urine Test

This test looks for Heavy Metals in a person's urine.  The body is able to process small amounts of heavy metals but high levels of exposure can result in materials building up in body tissues and causing a number of health complications. This panel includes Total Arsenic, Inorganic Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Creatinine, and Creatinine ratios for all metals.  The specimen for this test can be either Random Urine or 24 Hour Urine

Please state if you would like a 24-hour collection for this test at the time you place your order.

Arsenic can be found in materials such as pesticides, rodenticides, weed killers, paint, and wood preservatives.  Arsenic may also be found in food or groundwater at low levels.  However, some areas have higher than normal levels of arsenic in the ground which can increase the risk of exposure.  Urine testing is most effective at detecting chronic or prolonged exposure.

Cadmium toxicity is typically due to exposure in industrial settings.  Those who work in jobs that involve heating, grinding, and welding metal products, as well as the production and use of certain types of spray paint, are usually at higher risk of cadmium exposure.

Lead can be found in a number of industrial products such as paint, ceramics, plastics, insecticides, and batteries.  Lead exposure is also a common concern for customers or employees of firing ranges due to the higher concentration of lead dust in these areas.  Urine testing is the preferred method for monitoring chronic lead poisoning and treatment monitoring.

Mercury exposure can occur in industrial settings such as those which involve the burning of coal or from the consumption of certain products such as fish and shellfish.  Urine testing is more accurate at detecting inorganic mercury from occupational exposure.  For organic mercury such as that found in seafood, a blood test is more accurate.

Heavy metals testing is recommended for anyone who believes they have had exposure in the workplace or through other means especially if they are exhibiting symptoms of heavy metals poisoning.  Family members of those exposed in the workplace should also be tested as toxic particulates can be brought into the home on clothing.

This test measures heavy metals being excreted from the body through urine.  As such, this type of testing is most useful for chronic or prolonged exposure.  For customers who require blood testing, the Heavy Metals Profile II, Blood is also available.  Additional test selections are available in our Heavy Metal Testing Category.

The turnaround time for this test is typically 4-6 business days.

Where can I find a Heavy Metals Profile II, Urine Test near me?

Check our lab finder to locate a collection site in your area.

Note: Result turn around times are an estimate and are not guaranteed. Our reference lab may need additional time due to weather, holidays, confirmation/repeat testing, or equipment maintenance.


Customers should avoid seafood and red wine for 72 hours prior to specimen collection.

Random urine specimens for Arsenic testing due to industrial exposure monitoring should be collected at the end of the work week (after 4-5 working days of exposure).

Random urine specimens for Cadmium testing due to industrial exposure monitoring can be collected any time after a couple weeks of exposure.

Random urine specimens for Lead testing due to industrial exposure monitoring can be collected any time after a couple weeks of exposure.

Random urine specimens for Mercury testing due to industrial exposure should be collected pre-shift (16 hours without an exposure).

For a 24 hour urine collection, customers should first go to the lab to pick up a specimen container.  The first urination of the day at 8:00am should be discarded.  All subsequent urinations for 24 hours should be collected and the specimen container should be taken to the lab at the end of the 24 hour period.  Avoid contact with metal during the collection period.


Heavy Metals Profile II Urine Test

Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead & Mercury RANDOM

Test Code: 15110
Specimen Type: Urine


Heavy Metals Profile II Urine Test

This test looks for Heavy Metals in a person's urine.  The body is able to process small amounts of heavy metals but high levels of exposure can result in materials building up in body tissues and causing a number of health complications. This panel includes Total Arsenic, Inorganic Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Creatinine, and Creatinine ratios for all metals.  This testing is for RANDOM URINE only.

Arsenic can be found in materials such as pesticides, rodenticides, weed killers, paint, and wood preservatives.  Arsenic may also be found in food or groundwater at low levels.  However, some areas have higher than normal levels of arsenic in the ground which can increase the risk of exposure.  Urine testing is most effective at detecting chronic or prolonged exposure.

Cadmium toxicity is typically due to exposure in industrial settings.  Those who work in jobs that involve heating, grinding, and welding metal products, as well as the production and use of certain types of spray paint, are usually at higher risk of cadmium exposure.

Lead can be found in a number of industrial products such as paint, ceramics, plastics, insecticides, and batteries.  Lead exposure is also a common concern for customers or employees of firing ranges due to the higher concentration of lead dust in these areas.  Urine testing is the preferred method for monitoring chronic lead poisoning and treatment monitoring.

Mercury exposure can occur in industrial settings such as those which involve the burning of coal or from the consumption of certain products such as fish and shellfish.  Urine testing is more accurate at detecting inorganic mercury from occupational exposure.  For organic mercury such as that found in seafood, a blood test is more accurate.

Heavy metals testing is recommended for anyone who believes they have had exposure in the workplace or through other means especially if they are exhibiting symptoms of heavy metals poisoning.  Family members of those exposed in the workplace should also be tested as toxic particulates can be brought into the home on clothing.

This test measures heavy metals being excreted from the body through urine.  As such, this type of testing is most useful for chronic or prolonged exposure.  For customers who require blood testing, the Heavy Metals Profile II, Blood is also available.  Additional test selections are available in our Heavy Metal Testing Category.

Turnaround time for this test is typically 4-6 business days.

Where can I find a Heavy Metals Profile II, Urine Test near me?

Check our lab finder to locate a collection site in your area.

Note: Result turn around times are an estimate and are not guaranteed. Our reference lab may need additional time due to weather, holidays, confirmation/repeat testing, or equipment maintenance.


Customers should avoid seafood for 48 hours prior to collection.


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